3. 생각하는 여유/& 전광훈목사

뉴욕타임즈. 전광훈목사 -우파보수개혁의 물결을 이끌고, 자유의 쓰나미와 토네이도를 일으켜~

언제나오복의향기 2020. 2. 12. 06:00

The new york  times  ~ The Saturday profile

혜성처럼 나타난 전광훈목사,

솔로몬의 지혜로 폭풍을 일으키는 전광훈목사~

전칠성 원래이름~전광훈으로, 대한민국 사람은 이승만을 알아야 한다고~

The Populist Pastor Leading a Conservative Revival in South Korea

뉴욕타임즈. 전광훈목사 - 한국우파보수개혁의 물결을 이끌고, 자유의 쓰나미와 토네이도를 일으켜~

Invoking God, patriotism and family values,

the Rev. Jun Kwang-hoon(전광훈) is creating a backlash

against the “Communizing” government of President Moon Jae-in(문재인).

Credit...Jean Chung for The New York Times

SEOUL, South Korea​ — Supporters credit him with “Moses’ leadership​ and Solomon’s wisdom​.” Detractors invoke labels like “narcissistic demagogue” and “fake prophet.”

Whatever else the Rev. Jun Kwang-hoon may be called, there is no denying that the 63-year-old Presbyterian pastor has become a force to be reckoned with in South Korea, spearheading a conservative pushback against President Moon Jae-in. once dismissed as a crank, Mr. Jun has attracted huge crowds to his rallies in central Seoul in recent weeks, forcing Mr. Moon’s justice minister, Cho Kuk​, to step down. He is also demanding Mr. Moon’s resignation, ​calling it “an order from the Lord.”

“We cannot let a madman drive a car,” Mr. Jun said about Mr. Moon during an interview, a reference to a comment by a German pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, on Hitler. He adds, without evidence: “Moon Jae-in is the main North Korean spy.”

Mr. Jun rouses his crowds, mostly older Christians, by constantly repeating such incendiary but easy-to-remember tag lines. Progressive leaders like Mr. Moon are “Communizing” South Korea, he says. Those “followers of North Korea” are “driving the country to ruin” by prying South Korea away from the United States and taking it closer to North Korea and China​, he warns​.

Mr. Jun’s rise shares many aspects with the surge of Western right-wing populism: an appeal to patriotism and nativism; a penchant for ideological and anti-immigrant slurs; a frequent invocation of God and tradition; and the use of alternative news sources on social media to spread resentment and stoke fear that the country is in danger of “collapsing” or being “wiped off the face of the Earth.”

Not surprisingly, Mr. Jun is a great admirer of President Trump. When Mr. Trump visited Seoul in 2017, Mr. Jun’s church members took to the streets, holding placards that read, “God be with President Trump” or “We pray for President Trump.” He says American evangelical Christians were “cheated by Obama” and elected Mr. Trump to prevent the United States from being Islamized through immigration.

Mr. Jun says South Korea is “a child of the United States” because the Americans liberated Korea from Japanese colonial rule at the end of World War II and defended it from Communist invaders during the 1950-53 Korean War. His rallies feature as many American flags(참고->엉터리 뉴스. ) as South Korean. Speaker after speaker calls anyone they suspect of undermining the alliance with Washington “evil” or “Satan,” while the crowds​ respond with “Amen!” or “Hallelujah!”

​The chances of Mr. Moon resigning are all but nil, and analysts treat Mr. Jun as a quixotic firebrand whose flame will eventually peter out. But in past months, the pastor has brewed a political firestorm by exploiting two powerful sentiments: a fear of North Korea that is widespread among older South Koreans and growing discontent over an ailing domestic economy.

Credit...Jean Chung for The New York Times

Mr. Moon’s office initially dismissed Mr. Jun’s expletive-ridden diatribes against the president as “not worth commenting upon.” But last month, Mr. Moon’s Democratic Party asked the police to investigate Mr. Jun on charges of inciting sedition after he exhorted followers to join a band of “martyrs” who would invade Mr. Moon’s presidential Blue House to topple him.

“His rallies could be off-putting to non-Christians because they look like church revival meetings, and some of his remarks, like his claim that Moon is a North Korean spy, sound over-the-top and propagandistic,” said Hwang Gui-hag, editor in chief of the Seoul-based Law Times, which specializes in church law and news. “But the thing is, his strategy works, making him a force that cannot be ignored.”

Mr. Jun​ was born in Yecheon, in central South Korea, the eldest son in a deeply religious family that was converted ​by American missionaries ​who ​reached​ their village ​by river more than a century ago.

He reached a defining moment in his life when, falling behind in his school classes, he was sent to live with a relative who was a pastor. By day he attended a vocational high school in electronics. At night, the Princeton-educated pastor taught Mr. Jun English and had him read widely, including the biography of South Korea’s autocratic founding president, Syngman Rhee, another Princeton-educated Christian, who relied on humanitarian aid from American churches and favored fellow Christians in his government.

Mr. Jun said he was strongly influenced by the pastor, who was dedicated to the rights of the urban poor. Schooled in the idea that the church could serve as an instrument for social and political change, he enrolled in a seminary after high school.

“Throughout history, the church has always been a political organization,” Mr. Jun said.

South Korea’s churches have a history of political activism. Progressive pastors and priests campaigned against the military dictators who ruled the country in past decades. But conservative pastors equate religious faith with anti-Communist patriotism. Many of the mega churches in Seoul, with congregations of tens of thousands, were founded by evangelical Christians who fled Communist persecution ​in North Korea ​​before the Korean War​.

Credit...Jean Chung for The New York Times

Mr. Jun said he began organizing his “patriots’ rallies” in 2005, after his high school son came home one day to say that President George W. Bush ​should be killed. The episode convinced him that unionized progressive teachers were poisoning children with anti-American and pro-North Korean ideology(반미친북).

Mr. Jun’s Sarang Jeil Church(사랑제일교회) in Seoul claims a congregation of 5,000, and while his profile is rising, local news outlets have tended to write about him only to ridicule his ideas.

He once said South Korea should boost its birthrates, one of the world’s lowest, by punishing families that produce fewer than five children. He also said that South Korea should Christianize itself by incarcerating all Buddhist monks on an island. ​He once remarked that he was so trusted in his church that female members ​would “take their panties off​”​ before him if he ​told them to.

Mr. Jun dismisses those remarks, saying either that he did not mean them literally or that the news media had quoted him out of context. ​

But ​Mr. Jun ​still ​calls abortion “murder” and says homosexuality makes the world “dirty.” His sermons brim with Islamophobic messages, and he routinely calls Arab immigrants potential “terrorists.”

In January, Mr. Jun ​won an important political perch when he ​was elected head of the Christian Council of Korea, ​an umbrella group for conservative churches.

When he held news conferences with his new title in June to demand Mr. Moon’s resignation, rival pastors called him “a son of vipers.” The National Council of Churches in Korea denounced him for leading his followers into “mass hysteria” through lies and fake statistics.

Still, most South Koreans did not take Mr. Jun seriously until Mr. Moon’s appointment of Mr. Cho as justice minister in August. Following news reports of a slew of ethical lapses in Mr. Cho’s family, Mr. Jun pounced. As public ire soared, his weekend rallies ballooned into some of the largest anti-government protests South Korea has seen in years.

Mr. Jun has strong supporters among right-wing YouTube channels, which live-stream his rallies and promote viral narratives that spread resentment and polarize​ the society​. Mr. Jun runs his own YouTube channel and helps fund like-minded YouTubers. He is also sponsoring the Christian Liberty Party, which hopes to become the first faith-based political party to win a seat in Parliament in April.

Each night, hundreds of Mr. Jun’s followers camp out near Mr. Moon’s office to demand his resignation. When Mr. Jun appears in the morning, some rush to him offering cash donations and seeking his blessing. Some come from afar, like Kim Seok-nam, 69, ​who ​flew from Sacramento, Calif., ​to join the sit-in for a few days. “He is a latter-day prophet​,” Ms. Kim said after Mr. Jun blessed her with a prayer, putting his hand on her head, while she knelt and wept​. She said she has donated $4,000 to Mr. Jun’s cause.

“It’s the work of the Holy Spirit,” Mr. Jun said, when asked about his success.

“It’s not me, but people’s anger against Moon that brought them out to my rallies.”

출처..뉴욕타임즈  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/08/world/asia/jun-kwang-hoon-pastor-.html?searchResultPosition=4

전광훈목사님  뉴욕타임즈에~


게시일: 2020. 2. 10.


꺼져가는 대한민국을 세우고 가시는분이 전광훈목사님이십니다
목사님 아니었음 벌써 우린 문 단체에 잡혀 꼼짝 못하는 신세가 되었습니다
우린 이것을 알아야 합니다 전광훈목사님을 음해하는 자들은 주사파일것입니다
그리고 불평하는자들은 물에 빠진자 건져주었더니 내보따리 내놔라 하는격 이런 자들이 되면 안됩니다
누가 뭐라고 해도 우파를 일으킨 분은 전광훈 목사님입니다.
어느 정당이 아닙니다. 아무도 전광훈 목사님을 욕할 순 없습니다.
지금 이만큼 일어서기까지 누가 앞장 썼습니까 어느 정당도 국회의원도 아닙니다
아무도 전광문 목사님을 모욕주고 욕할 자격 없습니다.
종북친중공산당세력 문재인정권이 자유대한민국헌법을파괴하기위해
독재권력위한 공수처와 연방형비례 선거법을만들고,검찰대학살을감행했다.
전목사님이 앞장서서 나라를살리고있다
미국기사가 우리나라 기레기보다 더 객관적이고 자세히 표현했네요.
대단한 기사였는데 국내에 알려지지 않아서 섭섭하나 미국과 하나님은 다 아신다고 생각합니다.
전광훈 목사님 용기있게 나와주시고 이끌어주심 넘 감사하고 존경합니다.
자신의 몸을 재물로 받쳐 하나님께 충성하는 전광훈 목사님 뵈면 눈물납니다.ㅠㅠ
전목사님이 한국 교회 대표하고 있는게 확실한데 왜 이인영을 비롯한 문정권은 굳이 부인하고 싶어할까요?
문괴물이 자유대한민국호를 세월호처럼 침몰시키려했다
그러나 하나님이 보호하사 전광훈목사님을 일으켜세워
이 나라 자유대한민국을 마지막때 쓰시기위해 정결케 하시는중.. 생각만해도 큼직하다
저 악한사탄마귀악령 문죄인 속히 멸하시고 심판하여주소서!!!
요즈음 제1야당의원들에게. 섭섭함을느낀다
광화문에서. 나라를위해지키시는 국민과. 전광훈목사님 께 항상존경하고 감사할뿐이다.!
가슴아픈현실은 제1야당이 광화문집회를외면한채. 총선을 임하는것이 가슴아프다
광화문 국민들은 전광훈목사님 께어 황교안 을위해 금식기도까지시키고 나라의지도자를지켜왔다
 광화문 국민들을 외면한 제1야당을 규탄한다. 광화문시민들도 대한민국의국민이다
자유한국당모든의원들은 광화문으로 합류하라❤❤
전광훈목사님은 교회뿐만아니라 자유대한민국을 지도하고있는 모세같은인물입니다.
" 전광훈 목사님은 이승만 초대 대통령에 버금가는 인기를 누리게 될 것이다.. "
(며칠전 새벽에 성령께서 주신 감동인데, 이 영상으로 확증 받습니다.. 할렐루야❤❤)
대한민국을 사랑하시고 지켜주시는 여호와 우리 하나님을 송축합니다??
우리 언론은 다썪었으니 외신기자들이 전목사님 기사를 많이써주었으면 하는바램이네요.
전광훈목사님 애국자 나라살려질것입니다
som I
대한민국에서 전광훈목사님께 돌을 던질 수 있는 사람들은 아무도 없습니다
대한민국에서 문정권 앞에서 아무도 말하지 못할 때 전광훈목사님은 대한민국 국민들에게 희망에 메세지를 주셨습니다
미스코리아 진ㆍ보고 ㅡ넌 한국을 대표하는 미녀아니야.넌 안예뻐ㅡ라는 소리랑같네 ㅡ이인영더불당이 목사님보고 대표아니라는 소리 ㅋㅡ
이런 위대한 일을 하시는데 알려지는게 당연한일 아닌가요
 한국언론이 숨기고 안알리니 세계에서 좀많이 알려주셔 한국의 위기의 실정을 좀알려 주시길 바랍니다
이시대의 한국을 구하실 선지자 목사님이 우리나라의 큰 희망입니다
조.중.동에서는 애국자 전광훈 목사님을 흠집내고 있는데
뉴욕타임지에서 기사를 내었네요.
북한에서도 많이 알려져 있다고 들었습니다.
기독교 입국론으로 나라가 재건되고 예수한국,복음통일 이루는 그날까지 전광훈 목사님 따라 기도하고 행동하겠습니다!
세계적인 선지자목사님 광화문복음화로 대한민국지킨다
국내언론보도 안하니 미국언론에서 좀 나서주면 기도합니다 우리는 같이 우파연대합시다
최솔로몬 맘
우리 전광훈 목사님을 외국에서 더 정확하게 잘 알고 계시고 인정해주시네요~^^
나라가 어려운데 아무도 나서지 않는 이때 용감하게 나설수 있다는것은
희생적인 마음 없이는~ 나라사랑하는 마음 없이는~ 하나님 아버지께서 함께 이끌어 주시지 않음은~ 이끈어 갈수 없는 일이다~
다 함께 힘을 합해야 한다.~^
인명진 가짜목사 사이비 정치목사가 국회에 자유한국당에와서 황대표를 앞에 두고 떠들면서 했던 말인데 요