대한민국이 이제 국제화가 되어 너무나 사주명리를 널리 펼쳐야 할 시대가 온것 같다.
우연히 코리아 타임을 통해 본 기사를 옮겨 본다.
사주를 외국인에게는 어떻게 설명하는가를 살펴 보기바란다
Posted : 2014-03-06 18:01
Updated : 2014-03-06 18:01 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2014/04/323_154207.html
Do we need more? /By Janet Shin
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Saju seldom takes an objective evaluation. Whereas it does has more subjective validity. It consists of five aspects of our lives, human relations, ways to display one’s talents, wealth, power and knowledge. We can actually count the amount of each facet by the numbers of individual symbolic elements. However you shouldn’t judge one’s life by quantitative assessment. It is rather related with their qualitative positions and how they link with others.
사주는 다섯가지 면으로 나누어 볼 수 있다.
우리생활. 인간관계. 타고난 재능.재물.권력.지식의 정도를 알 수 있다. 그것은 개개인이 모두 다르다.
그것으로 그 삶의 가치를 판단하고 어떻게 대처할 것인지 방향을 찾는다.
Compared to the past, our modern life has plenty of resources. They include not only the basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter but other types like information, capital and even emotions. If our ancestors have struggled to gratify the former requirements, we in contemporary times are craving for much more but still feel unfortunate.
What makes our life unhappier if it is not for the sense of deficiency. The development of industry, invention of machines, advanced science and technology brought us a great deal of abundance. The state-of-the-art microscopes enabled us to see minute particles like cellular tissues in the human body. However this made us lose judgment of a whole structure and ignored a self healing function. Chemical fertilizer and genetic manipulation facilitated agricultural mass production threatens our everyday meal.
탐욕스런 사람의 사주 예(흙,토 일주에 /지지에 많은 물,재물을 타고난 사주)
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사주 팔자란 사주(四柱)/두자씩 네 기둥과 팔자(八字)/여덟 글자를 의미한다.
How could we imagine holding a computer in our hands? This became part of daily life owing to the invention of smart phones. Information is now one of the key assets to determine one’s wealth and success. We were able to handle tremendous amount of data but its mishandling causes leakage of personal information. Our every move is being watched by CCTV cameras installed everywhere.
Major malaises in our contemporaries are overindulgence of love, anxiety, nutrition, information and capital. We may have to be more careful about how to manage those overflowing resources or obstruct the unnecessary supplies than try to grab more of them.
The most significant concern lies in people’s avarice over the money. An interesting fact in reading people’s destiny is that money is compared to love in saju reading, and people are rather addicted to both money and love nowadays. 오늘 날의 많은 돈과 사랑에만 관심이 있는듯하며, 마치 중독된 것 같다.(다른 중요한 가치가 많음에도 불구하고)
Consequently the words like “healing” and “well-being” or “well-dying” are gaining people’s attention more and more these days. Likewise it is more important to manage an existing fortune than to acquire as much as possible.
Here is the saju of a man, who was covetous and quarreled with his brothers over inheritance. He ended up squandering the family fortune, which was written in his saju.
He was born with the energy of yang earth. It represents a big mountain, or the symbolic energy of earth. Then, we also see lots of water element in this saju and no metal energy. Water represents a money star for this man while metal is an expression star, which represents one’s effort to make money. We can easily say that wealth is the pursuit of this man’s life, while he doesn’t make a serious effort to acquire it. He would rather hope to gain a painless fortune.
He constantly asked his father to bequeath the entire estate for his unpromising business. Unfortunately the father transferred most of his possessions, which turned out to be a useless piece of paper for the son’s reckless management.
What we see in his saju is the excessive money stars and he is not capable to manage them. Both 2014 and 2015 are the years of money clashing, so he experienced continuous financial difficulties.
He would have to run into many hardships for the couple of years at least, unless he changes his attitude toward wealth.
수호신 사천황/착한 사람을 보호하고 지켜주는 신.
* 목 화 토 금 수 오행의 원리와 육신으로 주인공.비견. 식상.재성. 관성 인성이란 용어로 사주를 설명하고 있다.
* 사주 팔자란 사주(四柱)/두자씩 네 기둥과 팔자(八字)/여덟 글자를 의미한다.
Are you interested in learning more about the ancient Chinese teaching about the “Four Pillars of Destiny”? For further information, visit Janet’s website at www.fourpillarskorea.com, contact her at 010-5414-7461 or email janetshin@hotmail.com. The writer is the author of “Life’s Secrets”.

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