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사주 명리에서 십이지지 .음양.오행을 통해 시간과 운명,삶과 죽음을 읽다.오복철학관에서 만나볼까

언제나오복의향기 2014. 4. 2. 00:16


코리아 타임 기사에 열두가지 띠(십이지지)를 영어로 설명한 글을 옮겨본다.

우리의 전통문화를 널리 국제적으로 알리려면 외국어 공부와 함께

그용어도 외국어로 이해해야된다고 본다.

오복철학관에서도 작명.운세.궁합.택일 설명에 있어 세계화에 동참하려한다. 


Posted : 2014-03-27 18:23

Updated : 2014-03-27 18:23 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2014/04/323_154207.html

Implication of five elements: time and destiny /
 By Janet Shin

-오행 다섯 가지요소가 암시한 의미에 시간과 운명이 놓여있다

According to the oriental teaching, every phenomenon in the universe is explained by the theory of yin, yang and the five elements. When we relate it to our destiny, it becomes saju, when it is about face, it is face reading, when it describes human body and health, it is Oriental medicine, and it is feng shui or geomancy referring to geography. Among the various links, time is the most crucial factor to influence our life as a whole.

-동양에서의 가르침에는 음양과 오행을 통해 모든 우주의 현상을 설명하고 있다. 

운명과 관계되어 있어, 사주. 관상.건강.동양의학.풍수 등 모든 것에 영향을 미치고 있다.

For your easy understanding, you may simply compare them to a week. Sunday stands for yang energy while Monday is yin. And the other five days are the five elements respectively.

If you diversify your perspective to macro and micro notions of time, you will learn deeper and more detailed facets of nature.

Different from the western understanding, oriental philosophy tries to comprehend everything with integrated approach, even including birth and death. Since both are spontaneous phases of the universal process, humans shouldn’t be afraid of dying as this life is just a part of a succeeding cycle.
-서구의 사유와는 달리, 동양철학은 모든 것이 연결되어 있고, 하물며 삶과 죽음조차 하나의 사이클로 본다.

오행을 열두가지 지지라는 요소로 나타내어 더 자세하게 현상을 설명하게 된다.

  (참고/ 음양,오행==>> 하늘요소로 열가지-천간.   땅의 요소로  열 두가지-지지로 나눈다)


* 자축인묘진사오미신유술해에대해 시간과 12월과 계절과 오행, 성숙과정으로 쉽게 설명되었다


In this respect, oriental medicine tries to teach the appropriate living. Its object is to study the harmonious state of human organs and nature rather than to avoid the death and illness.

For example, people’s activities against the clock of nature are the major causes of diseases. The sun emits its vital energy during the day time, so it’s better to work when ther



e is plenty yang energy, instead of staying up late at night. There is an intrinsic rhythm of the five elements in our body organs and we are recommended to coordinate our daily activities conforming to them.

When it comes to the classification of the seasons, the wood element (green) represents spring, the fire (red) summer, the metal (white) autumn and the water (black) winter. And the earth (yellow) is positioned in between each season. It can be regarded as transitional seasons. This is because the earth denotes the energy of storage for the alteration.

There are three months in each season, which imply the months of heaven, earth and humans.

As there is a continuous cycle of seasons in nature, we have that of the five elements in our life. If everything in the universe undergoes the creation and extinction, so does human life and its relations.

Most of our misfortune is caused by the avarice to possess more than given, clinging to life, moving against the cosmic passage and the obsession over love, money, and power. A wise way to lead a happy life is to apprehend where we are and when our time is. 

-삶에서 불행은 주어진 달란트를 벗어나 더많은 사랑. 돈 , 권력을 가지려는데서 비롯하는 경우가 많다.

 행복한 삶으로 가는 길은 주어진 길과 시간을 이해하고, 현명하게 방법을 찾아 가는것이다.



                                                            카사블랑카- 험프리 보가드
Are you interested in learning more about the ancient Chinese teaching about the “Four Pillars of Destiny”? For further information, visit Janet’s website at www.fourpillarskorea.com, contact her at 010-5414-7461 or email janetshin@hotmail.com. The writer is the author of “Life’s Secrets.”


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